Get to know...
Instructor / Choreographer / Performer / Animador
Born in La Habana in the municipality of Guanabacoa, Reysel trained in gymnastics and then transitioned into ballet in his early years. A specialization in dance has always been at the forefront of his plans, made evident by his studies from 2003 to 2007 in instruction of the arts, specializing in dance. He has also, however, dabbled in other endeavors. Reysel spent time serving in the military, studied psychology at a university level, taught art in several schools, and studied culinary arts. In 2014 he began teaching salsa dance to foreigners and then transitioned to teaching Cuban dance styles at the Vía Danza dance company in 2015, where he has been working ever since. In 2017, Reysel began a university career in arts education, specializing in dance. He is in his third year of studies now. In February, 2020 Reysel completed an evaluation at Vía Danza, securing a position as a professional dancer in the company.
Reysel has been collaborating with MetaMovements since he began his career at Vía Danza, and has great appreciation for the ways his participation in the collective has supported him in his development. He greatly values the way MetaMovements facilitates a community in which members work and think as a unified group, supporting one another and inspiring trust and positivity. Reysel has also made strides in his English language abilities, and has even started offering some classes in English.
Reysel looks forward to continuing his studies with the goal of becoming a better teacher and colleague. He hopes to continue on to earn a Master’s or Doctorate degree once he has finished his Bachelor’s (finished Dec 2021... doctorate?) and in the meantime is eager for dance classes and intercultural exchanges to resume once it is safe. Reysel likens the unique experience of dancing to sowing a tree. He says dancing is like enjoying the fruits from the tree or taking advantage of the shade it provides, but sharing one's knowledge with others is a way to grow out the tree’s roots and flowers.
Popular Cuban Styles (“Populares”) / Folkloric Cuban Dance / Timbaton / Salsa
Spanish / English for Dance Instruction
Culinary Arts
Arts Instruction
Popular Cuban Styles (“Populares”) / Folkloric Cuban Dance / Timbatón / Salsa
Spanish / English for Dance Instruction
Culinary Arts
Arts Instruction